Pasion Precious Kaye

My interests and hobbies

My Works

  1. Example 1
  2. Example 2
  3. Example 3
  4. Example 4
  5. Example 5


My Goals in Life

Your Comment About My Goals


Face-toFace or Online Class

better to be face to face class than online, because there are many advantage you'll be able to communicate with your instructors and classmates, and you'll be able to communicate with your classmates you will learn more and more because you can see how your instructor is doing and you can hear your own instructor speak forward. While online classes have many disadvantages like the students are just doing unrelated from class, but there are also some advantages. The disavantage students are often lazy and when the camera is off they don't listen, sleep, or do anything else it is not a matter of the subject, because the interaction between the students and the instructor is less understandable and audible.



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